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Building a house in Pakistan – A step by step guide

A step by step process of building a house in Pakistan

While the thought of buying a plot of land in Pakistan (or any country for that matter) might be daunting, the process of building a home is even more so. Whether it is in Islamabad, Lahore, or Karachi, purchasing and building a house is a huge milestone. It is considered one of the most financially freeing assets of all time.

However, purchasing the plot of land is just the tip of the iceberg. A tiresome process starts when you, as a plot owner, decide to build a home on it. From hiring the best home construction companies and managing budgets to gathering necessary resources – it is equivalent to running a full-time business.

Since building a home in Pakistan is quite common, the team at my4walls decided to develop a comprehensive step-by-step guide on home construction in Pakistan.

Our guide will try and cover all the relevant steps, from setting up the foundation to designing the house. The purpose is to publish a user-friendly instruction manual making the home construction process comprehensible to all.

Steps Involved In Building A House In Pakistan

The following is a summary of the steps included in house construction in Pakistan:

  1. Step 1: Soil analysis
  2. Step 2: Home layout
  3. Step 3: Utility services
  4. Step 4: Building the foundation
  5. Step 5: Exterior design
  6. Step 6: Interior design
  7. Step 7: Final touches
  8. Step 8: Moving in

 Now, we will discuss each step in detail with any potential challenges that you might face along the way.

Step 1: Carry out the soil analysis

Before home construction in Pakistan, a soil analysis of the site is done. This is to determine the type and consistency of the soil that your house will be built on. 

Each approach in home constructions varies with the type and consistency of soil that is available. For example, for loose soil types, in-depth excavation and refilling the plot area is mandatory. On the other hand, for very hard soil types, heavy machinery must be used to break down the soil before laying the foundation of the house.

Step 2: Create the layout of the house

In the technical process of building a house in Pakistan, creating a layout is very important. In order to make this process smooth, hiring designers and architects will be in your best interest. 

And do not worry, many house construction companies will suggest reliable and experienced professionals that they have previously worked with. Afterward, you can discuss and exchange house layout ideas and aspirations in as much detail as you want.

In some areas of Pakistan, you will often encounter a limit on the elevation of your house. This could constrain or even have you change and adjust your house layout designs according to the limits imposed.

However, there are some flexible housing areas that allow changes in elevation if you simply talk to the house planning committee.

Step 3: Register for relevant utility services 

You can now apply for electricity, gas, and water connections. It might seem early, but getting this step out of the way is for your benefit. And delaying these may halt the house construction process and/or increase costs. 

For example, in case electricity connections are delayed, you will have to buy and rely on a personal generator which will in turn increase your overall house construction costs. So, be efficient and apply for utility services as soon as possible. 

In some areas, you will be allowed to build underground water storage tanks. But, that is an entirely personal choice. And in some areas, gas pipelines are not installed, so you will need to buy a couple of gas cylinders. 

 Step 4: Start building the foundation

This will be the first practical step towards building a home. After excavations, the bases are filled with concrete. Your house construction company will communicate the standard time it takes for the concrete to be fully set. And once it has solidified, the constructor will use water to increase its strength. After the foundation has been established, we are ready to set up the house structure according to the plans approved earlier.

Important side notes: It is advised to sort out sewage issues before building the home foundation because leakages can destroy newly constructed foundations.

 Step 5: Design the house exterior 

You can now fully focus on polishing the exterior after the house structure is ready. The exterior will depend completely on your loved ones’ and your aesthetic sense. For example, some owners like to use weather shield paints on their exterior while other owners prefer bricks. It is all about personal preference!

Another important side notes: While the home construction team is plastering walls and installing tiles, take conscious note and make sure it is in line with the structure layout you set earlier.

 Step 6: Add designs for the interior 

So, your home construction company has built the house structure and executed the exterior walls, now we can focus on home interior fittings. 

These include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Painting walls, 
  • Floor work, 
  • Installing water and gas pipes,
  • Setting up electricity wires, and
  • Adding windows and doors.

 Step 7: Time for the final touches

After step 6, your newly constructed home will look cluttered, chaotic, and very unappealing. The next task is dedicated to transforming the house into an aesthetically pleasing and practically livable space.

This includes painting the interior living, dining, bath, and bedroom walls in the colors you envisioned ahead of time.

 Step 8: Finally, settle into your home

At last, after all the home construction work and finishing touches are done, you will have the keys to your own home. It is time to furnish and decorate! Spread those wallpapers, lay down those luxurious rugs and place your beloved furniture – do whatever you have to in order to make your new home as comfortable as possible. 

Many people are very selective and conscious because the way you adorn your house reflects a large part of your personality. You can finally enter your house with a sense of achievement and enjoy living with your loved ones in peace and security. 

That is the end of it! We have covered most of the steps involved in building a house and hope that the process seems a little more straightforward. We wish you are now more mentally prepared to take on the daunting challenge of the home construction tasks that lie ahead for you and your construction company in Pakistan.

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